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How About The Performance Of The Carbon Fiber Intake Pipe?

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The intake temperature of the car engine is very important. If the air temperature is too high, the oxygen content in the air will decrease, which will affect the work and power output of the engine. Generally, the intake pipe of a car is made of plastic, and the plastic material is not excluded. When the engine is working, the temperature in the engine compartment is relatively high, which will cause the temperature of the intake air to rise. If the intake air temperature rises, the oxygen content in the air will decrease, affecting the engine. Therefore, many wholesale car suppliers hope to find ways to reduce the intake air temperature.

The carbon fiber air intake system can isolate the heat of the engine compartment, which can reduce the intake air temperature, and the lower intake air temperature can increase the power output of the engine.

Modification of carbon fiber intake system is a more effective method. Retrofitting the intake pipe to carbon fiber can insulate the heat of the engine compartment, which can avoid the intake air temperature from being too high.

If you want to install a carbon fiber air intake system, you need to buy a genuine product from a brand like Future, and go to a professional store to install it.

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